Monday, September 3, 2007

More accurate pictures of our house to be...

Well, despite the unusual storms we weathered over the last several days, after me beloved wife and I managed to get back onto the same page, we decided to head out to another Ryan Homes development by the name of Pelham Manor, outside of Elkton, MD, near the Brantwood Golf Course for those familiar with the local area. Our trusted Ryan Homes sales rep pointed us toward this development as she knew there were several Bainbridge models that were built in Pelham Manor. So, off to snap some more pictures we drove! We were able to snap several pictures of Elevation D Bainbridge models, which is the same elevation we've chosen for our home. I'll post two pictures here, one of an elevation D Bainbridge without a bay window, one with. I'm going to create a new poll after this post to help us decide whether or not we want to add a bay window, which is a $2900.00 option.

Picture of Bainbridge Elevation D w/o bay window

Picture of Bainbridge Elevation D with bay window

Those who are paying attention will also notice the different elevated roof pitches over the side entry garages between these two pictures. One Bainbridge has the large bonus room finished over top of the garage, the other does not.
Off to bed...

Perhaps the most challenging week of my life...

Well, these last several days have brought a lot of challenges, both personally and professionally. Personally, my wife and I have perhaps weathered the most challenging week in the history of our marriage of over 13 years. If you've ever experienced a relatively short period of time where it seems like everything that you value in the world comes crashing down around you in pieces, that pretty well describes my week. The good news is that we have weathered this storm and have come out, thanks be to God, stronger and better off for having chosen to stick together. The bad news is that earlier this week when the storms really hit, instead of working together as husband and wife, we turned against one another, and as anyone who's been married knows quite well, when both husband and wife have a string of bad days at the very same time, it generally makes for some very dismal life circumstances when the big waves from the storm arrive one after the other.

So, having weathered perhaps the largest storm we've ever come across to date, hurricanes and tornadoes included, and having survived the very worst, we now look back as we start to pick up the pieces and analyze what went wrong, why, and what we can do differently moving forward. There is much work to do personally for each of us, much to work on, much to change, and much to be thankful for at the same time.

As Christians, we look back and see targeted spiritual attacks aimed at our respective weaknesses that were designed to self destruct our family, and they almost succeeded. Thanks be to our great God that they did not succeed! We are in the initial phases of implementing changes in our lives to ensure that these same weaknesses are never again exploited, at least to the extent that they were up until the recent past.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we attempt to change our behavior, how we treat one another, moving forward. For those who had a more in depth involvement with me throughout the last several days your thoughts, prayers, and advice were invaluable. I simply do not have the words to express thanks. God bless each and every one of you.

Well, it's time for me to sign off for now...I have to help get the kids in bed and everything prepped for tomorrow, which is the first day of school for our three children. Much to do!